
Program – Saturday 25.08.2018

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Cooking demo with Serkan Tunca
12:00 - 12:50
(In German)
Cooking demo with Serkan Tunca
12:00 - 12:50

12:00pm - 12:50pm: Cooking demo with Serkan Tunca: Crossover Meets Tradition - Oriental Vegan Cuisine (In German)

Since his childhood the kitchen has been an artistic refuge for him. The bright colours of the fresh food and the variety of possibilities to dedicate oneself to them creatively make his heart beat faster until today. Serkan Tunca's training as a chef is now 20 years ago and every day in his profession has been a pleasure so far.
Since 2010 he lives and cooks exclusively vegan and works successfully as the chef of a well-known vegan restaurant in Munich.
In Munich and surroundings Serkan Tunca works freelance on seminars and workshops, in which he shows how simple, varied and colorful it is to live and cook vegan. The chef wants to inspire people to take a closer look at their diet and prepare it fresh and with pleasure.
Cooking is and remains his greatest passion - professionally and privately!


Kendy Cable
13:00 - 13:45
Kendy Cable - Singer Songwriter
Kendy Cable
13:00 - 13:45

1:00pm - 1:45pm: Singer-Songwriterin Kendy Cable

Kendy Gable is an American singer-songwriter that weaves poetry and story into haunting melodies. Known for her exceptional voice, she has performed throughout Canada and Europe. Kendy has released three albums independently in 2011, 2014 and 2017.
Kendy grew up on a small farm in the mountains of Pennsylvania, but has called Melbourne, Australia; New York City; Los Angeles; and the Catskill Mountains home. The connection to the natural world and her experience of travel and urban life all create a unique sound that finds in inspiration from both environments.
She now lives in Berlin, Germany, where she is working on new music with musician and producer, Claudio Donzelli (Mighty Oaks).

Berlin Strength
14:00 - 14:45
Berlin Strength
14:00 - 14:45

2:00pm - 2:45pm: Berlin Strength

Berlin Strength is a tiny Gym in the heart of Berlin. You can find the barbell club on the RAW area in Friedrichshain, surrounded by graffity, streetfood and clubs. Like the area itself, the equipment is RAW, means basic. Everything you need for powerlifting, olympic weightlifting, strongman training, calisthenics and functional training is provided.
For everybody who loves to train in the morning hour we offer classes every Monday and Friday between 06:15am and 09:00am suitable for beginners and advanced athletes. In our oldschool gym you find everything except unnecessary extras and machines, if a trap bar, texas power bar, texas deadlift bar, ZKC-bar, safety bar, axle, farmers handles, yoke, log, slam balls, prowler, tyre, paralettes, kettlebells, chalk and yummi vegan snacks, makes you smile, come around!

Cook Demo with Anna-Lena Klapp
15:00 - 16:00
Vegan summer cuisine - seasonal and sustainable (In German)
Cook Demo with Anna-Lena Klapp
15:00 - 16:00
Vegan summer cuisine - seasonal and sustainable (In German)

3:00pm - 3:50pm: Cook Demo with Anna-Lena Klapp: Vegan summer cuisine - seasonal and sustainable (In German)

During the summer months, numerous seasonal fruits and vegetables are available to make cooking not only particularly tasty but also sustainable. Author and blogger Anna-Lena Klapp shows in her cooking show two simple vegan dishes, which will enrich every barbecue party and gives tips on how to implement a sustainable vegan diet in your everyday life.
Anna-Lena Klapp is a nutrition and health specialist at ProVeg Germany and a lecturer in "Sustainable Nutrition" at Fulda University. She has been living vegan since 2009 and has acquired extensive knowledge about this way of life and its effects on humans, animals and the environment. On her food blog she regularly publishes vegan recipes and writes editorial articles for various print and online magazines. Her first book entitled "Vegane Süßigkeiten - Klassiker zum Selbermachen" was published by Neunzehn Verlag in autumn 2016


Fashion Show
16:15 - 16:45
Fashion Show

4:15pm - 4:45pm: Fashio Show

The latest Highlights of the vegan Fashion.

Hanna Jaha
17:00 - 17:45
One voice - one experience.
Hanna Jaha
17:00 - 17:45

5:00pm - 5:45pm: Hannah Jaha - Singer Songwriter: One voice - one experience.

Hannah Jaha stands for young, modern soul pop. The originally from Mannheim with Gambian routes writes songs in German and English. The Stories she tells are often commonplace, but Hannah's words and her velvety voice make their music something very special. Above all, the 26-year-old enchants live with her friendly, honest manner and presents their listeners to their wondrously beautiful world.

18:00 - 19:00
18:00 - 19:00

6:00pm - 7:00pm: KAFKAS - Pop, Electro and Punk Spirit

In a time when it seems to be getting harder and harder to sell physical records, it is not necessarily the safest option to release an album without a bigger record label in the back. Nevertheless, KAFKAS decided to release the 6th album again on their own label despite the available offers. Low budget, no prestige and limited capacities, but full passion, firm convictions and a self-confident sound carrier - these are the ingredients. In the case of KAFKA, the courage has more than paid off. And so the results are well above all expectations. But that is not what this is all about. What the volume means something is not primarily measured and expressed in numbers.
Apart from the sales figures, the band could also look forward to nice stories and experiences. The last single was chosen as the personal wedding song at at least two weddings. Both times the bridal ladies heard the song on the radio and found that this was exactly the right wedding song. A great honour, the band finds.

Is the mixture of pop, NDW, electro and punk spirit just a niche and section music? If, then probably only because of chronic underestimation - but certainly not because of a lack of positive feedback from listeners or viewers. If KAFKAS got a chance, the feedback is almost always very good to almost euphoric. This was also proven by their appearances on Hessen Television, a shoot with RTL, an entry on SAT 1, a place 1 in MTV's Rockzone, as well as mountains of listener mail from convinced radio listeners.
Now Mathias Jakobs (Milky Chance) versions of "Was dir fehlt" and Christoph Mengeler's video clip are ready to go. The single can already be heard in the Mc Donalds stores. As a special there is a version with the friendly horns of the'Heimatklänge Giesel'. Hooray!KAFKAS - 'Was dir fehlt'.

19:15 - 20:00
19:15 - 20:00

7:15pm - 8:00pm: HYLL - Stoner Rock

Bloody fingers, smashed sticks, drops of sweat soak the floor and walls... "Incredibly explosive [...] they won't let you down!" is how the BBC radio described this band. HYLL is concentrated energy, which is collected by the three members on stage, in order to overwhelm the audience. They stopped in England for several shows in the summer of 2018 and toured Germany in 2017. All that remained was sweat, stretched neck muscles and burnt earth. The style can be described as a modern kind of Stoner Rock; a mixture of grooving beats, catchy vocals and explosive outbursts. The listeners become aware of the common passion of the members by the time of the jams at the latest. As an integral part of the live shows, the improvised, heartfelt spontaneous fireworks belong to HYLL shows, like the astonished rubbing of the listener's eyes and ears after every gig. HYLL - an experience.

Lecture Tent
Veganism and health
11:00 - 11:45
Veganism and health
11:00 - 11:45

11:00am - 11:45am: Veganism and health - Christiane Bürger, General practitioner (In German)

Subjects of the Lecture: The vegan diet, its advantages for omnivorous nutrition, especially in relation to the increasing diseases of civilization worldwide, the myth of deficiency symptoms, the most frequent questions of vegans in our family doctor's practice, Laboratory analysis of vegans, regularly, once a year, the current topic - increasing food intolerances with disturbed microbiome, the valuable cereal ""the oats"", helper with hypercholesterolemia (lipometabolic disorder)
It can be concluded that well-being, health and illness are directly related to nutrition!"


Animal Cruelty Exposed - What Next?
11:45 - 12:30
Dr. Katharina Weiss
Animal Cruelty Exposed - What Next?
11:45 - 12:30

11:45am - 12:30pm: Animal Cruelty Exposed - What Next? - Dr. Katharina Weiss, Spokesperson Animal Equality Germany (In German)

Animal Equality sheds a light on animal suffering in factory farming. But what happens next? What are the legal consequences, and where do authorities fail? And how can Animal Equality's "Love Veg" programme support individuals in their food choices and further societal change?

12:30 - 13:00
In German

12:30pm - 1:00pm: plantAge - become a organic vegan self-supporter in the new vegetable cooperative near Berlin (In German)

plantAge will be the first cooperative for vegan organic farming in Berlin. Starting in spring of 2019, we will deliver vegetable boxes to Berlin, seasonal and regional. No farm animals will be involved in the process, not even manure.
by plantAge: Community-supported agriculture

Dr. Melanie Joy
13:00 - 14:00
In Englisch
Dr. Melanie Joy
13:00 - 14:00
In Englisch

1:00pm - 2:00pm: How Vegans Can Improve Relationships and Communication - Dr. Melanie Joy, US-American social psychologist, author and vegan activist (In English)

Many vegans find that it’s difficult or impossible to feel connected with the non-vegans in their lives and to communicate about veganism in a way that doesn’t cause cause conflict. Often, too, vegans have trouble relating and communicating with other vegans when they disagree with each other’s ideas. In this presentation, psychologist Dr. Melanie Joy explains the principles and tools for creating healthy, connected relationships, and she gives tips on how to talk about even the most challenging issues productively.

Veganism in the Digital Age
14:00 - 14:45
Sadia Badiei (in Englisch)
Veganism in the Digital Age
14:00 - 14:45

2:00pm - 2:45pm: Veganism in the Digital Age - Sadia Badiei, Blogger and dietitian (in Englisch)

The global shift towards plant-based eating is here to stay, with thanks to the power of social networking. Within the next 3 years it's expected over 3 billion people will be actively using social media. There has never been a better time to use this platform as a powerful medium to share the vegan message with the world.

Biocyclic vegan agriculture
14:45 - 15:30
In German
Biocyclic vegan agriculture
14:45 - 15:30

2:45pm - 3:30pm: Biocyclic vegan agriculture with Anja Bonzheim (In German)

Anja Bonzheim studied organic farming and marketing and organic agricultural management in Eberswalde. In her final theses she dealt with the topic of organic vegan agriculture in Germany, meanwhile she works for the recently founded association "Biocyclical Vegan Cultivation e.V.". (BIO.VEG.AN.)". She will present biocyclic vegan cultivation, which does without the use of agricultural animals and slaughterhouse waste in fertilisation, and show us that vegan principles are also possible and desirable in agriculture, what special features must be observed in biocyclic vegan cultivation and what goals and projects BIO.VEG.AN. pursues. Afterwards, there will be room to discuss and clarify questions together.

A sanctuary is being founded
15:30 - 16:15
In German
A sanctuary is being founded
15:30 - 16:15

3:30pm - 4:15pm: A sanctuary is being founded - From exploitation to respect with Animal sanctuary (Lasst die Tiere leben, Lebenshof) (In German)

Lasst die Tiere leben ("Let the animals live)' - Lebenshöfe ("life yards") near Berlin: We are a non-profit association for the promotion of the animal protection and the Veganismus for a peaceful with one another between humans and animal. Our association includes the "Muckele's Farm" in Michendorf, the "Animal Refuge" in Buckow/OT Hasenholz and our large "Elisenhof" project in Müncheberg/OT Hermersdorf, where we want to transform a former factory farming area into a place of peace. It is also important to us to make people aware of the ethical importance of veganism and the health and ecological benefits of this way of life. But we cannot realize this dream alone - that is why we are all the more pleased about the active and financial support of many wonderful people.

The Israeli Food Revolution
16:15 - 17:00
Ori Shavit, Israeli food journalist, speaker and vegan activist (In Englisch)
The Israeli Food Revolution
16:15 - 17:00

4:15pm - 5pm: Ori Shavit, Israeli food journalist, speaker and vegan activist - The Israeli Food Revolution (In Englisch)

In only a few years Israel has become a great place for veganism, with more than 5 % of the population being vegan, and hundreds of vegan and vegan-friendly restaurants in Tel Aviv. How did veganism become so popular? Ori Shavit, one of the leading voices of veganism in Israel, will explain what happened, and what other countries can learn from her experience.

It's time to open your heart
17:00 - 17:30
In English
It's time to open your heart

5:00pm-5:30pm: Oren Ben-Yosef, The Israeli society for the abolition of vivisection - TIt's time to open your heart (In English)

Unbelievable stories and breathtaking testimonies - this is what we found when we launched operation "Open Heart", in which we let ex-researchers and students break their silence about animal testing labs, helping the public to understand what is it like to be a "lab animal". As it becomes a remarkable document that cannot be ignored by defenders of animal research, "Open Heart" is indeed one of the most important projects of the Israeli Society for the Abolition of Vivisection.

The philosophy of animal rights
17:30 - 18:15
The philosophy of animal rights
17:30 - 18:15

5:30pm - 6:15pm: Prof. Bernd Ladwig, Professor for Policitical Theory at the Otto-Suhr-Institut (OSI) of Freien University Berlin - The philosophy of animal rights (In German)

The idea of animal rights still causes resistance in many philosophers and lawyers. The lecture is intended to show that the usual objections can be invalidated. Sentient animals able to gain experience are individuals of their own right, who deserve attention in relation to particularly important interests for their own sake.

18:15 - 19:00
In German
18:15 - 19:00

6:15pm - 7:00pm: VEGAN & STRONG - A talk with the owners of Berlin's strongest gym (In German)

We know that sporting goals can be achieved without consuming animal products. We would like to set a positive example, counteract prejudices and show that performance/sport is also possible with an animal-friendly diet. For us, being strong also means standing up to the powerful food industry and not suppressing any living creature for our purposes. We would like to show with sporting achievements that veganism is healthy, sexy and suitable for everyday life. Veganism is the future, also in competitive sports.

Honey LaBronx, Vegane Drag Queen
19:00 - 20:00
Honey LaBronx, Vegane Drag Queen
19:00 - 20:00

7:00pm - 8:00pm: A pro-intersectional approach in the fight for animal rights with Honey LaBronx, Vegan Drag Queen (in English)

The fight for social justice is as old as humankind. Yet in the late 1960’s the black feminist movement revealed that our varying identities can intersect, causing unique forms of oppression to be experienced within subsets of oppressed communities.
This speech will focus on what a pro-intersectional approach makes available to those fighting for animal rights, and how educating ourselves about the suffering experienced by our fellow humans can make us better advocates for the animals. It will highlight the unintentional failings of the mainstream vegan approach, as well as how we can increase our effectiveness.
By aligning ourselves with other social justice movements, audiences will discover how greater compassion for our fellow humans could mean animal liberation in our lifetime.

Vegan Summer Lounge
13:30 - 14:15
Singer Songwriter
13:30 - 14:15

1:30pm - 2:15pm: Aiko - Singer Songwriter

Something about me - Aiko is an Indie singer and songwriter based in Czech republic. With songs about solitude and love, she enjoys performing and occasional busking. On the 25th of August, she's releasing her first eponymous EP "Aiko".

Cloudy Verdecia
15:00 - 15:30
Cloudy Verdecia

3:00pm - 3:30pm: Cloudy Verdecia

Wild, playful and above all authentic, the half-Cuban sings with her smoky voice from stage to stage for several years now. Claudi Verdecia was born and grew up in Berlin and now writes songs on her guitar that touch, wound and move. Driven by her passion for Rock’N’Roll and profound lyrics, the 19-year-old artist creates music with her band 'New Greed' and as a solo artist. The young singer has been living vegan since October 2017 and would like to use her talent and her music to bring the "Plant Based Lifestyle" closer to people.
facebook Fotocredit: Vertucciart

16:00 - 17:00
16:00 - 17:00

4:00pm - 5:00pm: A&B Band

Two guitars, two voices and mostly one opinion. The duo practices a style of music which they themselves call "campfire pop". Style elements from various genres such as rock, rap, punk and jazz underscore the witty and meaningless as well as profound and socially critical lyrics.

Soña Ensons
17:15 - 18:00
Soña Ensons
17:15 - 18:00

Old Dust Hollow
18:15 - 19:00
OneMen Band
Old Dust Hollow
18:15 - 19:00

6:15pm - 7:00pm: Old Dust Hollow - OneMen Band

“I’m just another lost soul”, so Old Dust Of Hollow introduces himself in his 12 tracks multi shaded blues rock album “Insane Loner”. He alternates primordial country-blues moaning to screaming slide-guitars and heavy psychedelic riffs, all that spiced up by his crying harp and his feet-drum-set.
Definitely too loud to be a one man band!!
